Automation Testing Vs Manual Testing: Which One to Choose for Software Testing?

Software testing process is carried out throughout the software development cycle. The process comprises checking, verifying and validating the product requirements. A testing service provider is committed to providing quality products to the customers, thus product functionality is verified before its release. Therefore you have to choose it wisely from Automation Testing Vs Manual Testing. In the initial stages, Software Testing Company used to perform manual testing, but in today’s world, everyone requires an easy life. To address this concern, Automation testing came into the picture and things changed completely. For software companies, it is important to know the difference between the two most promising testing methodologies. This will surely help you with the right selection for your software development work.

Key Differences of Automation Testing Vs Manual Testing to Know:

Introduction to Manual Testing

Manual testing is the process of checking the software manually to identify possible loopholes. A tester should think like an end-user to ensure all the functionalities are working as described in the client requirement document. In this process, testers execute the test cases and create the reports on a manual basis without using any automation tools.

When to use Manual Testing?

  1. Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is performed by domain experts. This testing work is performed by exploring the application functionalities without having knowledge of the requirements.

  1. Usability Testing

To check whether the application holds user-friendly features or not the testing is performed. The main objective of this testing includes checking whether the end-user can understand and operate the application smoothly or not. An application should be self-exploratory and must not need the training to operate.

  1. Ad-hoc Testing

Ad-hoc testing performs completely opposite to formal testing. It is basically an informal testing type. This Manual Testing Service is performed when testers randomly test the application without following any test documents and design techniques.

When Manual Testing is preferred?

  • When the software application is in the initial development stage.
  • When testing user interfaces particularly visual parameters.
  • If the project is short term and writing scripts needs time.
  • When exploratory or Adhoc testing is a must.
  • If the test case is not automatable.

Advantages of Manual Testing:

  • It is perfect for short life cycle products
  • Manual testing can be performed on all sorts of applications
  • Newly designed test cases must be manually executed
  • Perfect for projects where the requirements & GUI change on a regular basis
  • It is cheaper in terms of initial investment and time
  • It allows the tester to perform Adhoc testing
  • There is no need to have knowledge of Automation Tools

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing involves the testing software application using automation tools to find the defects. In this process, executing the test scripts and generating the results are performed automatically by automation tools. Some most reputed tools to perform automation testing includes HP QTP/UFT, Selenium WebDriver, etc.

When to use Automation Testing?

  1. Regression Testing

Repeated testing of an already tested program, to discover any defects introduced as a result of the changes in the software being tested. Thus, regression testing is best suitable for automated testing because of the latest code changes and it is beyond the human capacity to execute tests.

  1. Load Testing

It is to verify that the application can handle the expected number of transactions and to verify the application behaviour under both normal and stress conditions. Automated testing is also the best way to complete testing efficiently.

  1. Performance Testing

This testing determines the speed, scalability, and stability characteristics of the application system. Performance is concerned with achieving response times, throughput, and resource utilization levels. It is best suited for automation testing.

When Automation Testing is preferred?

  • To avoid human errors
  • To address repetitive and time-consuming tasks
  • When there is a requirement for parallel testing
  • To do non-functional testing like load, performance, stress testing

Advantages of Automation Testing:

  • Automation testing is faster in execution
  • It is cheaper compared to manual testing
  • Automated testing is more reliable
  • It is mostly used for regression testing
  • Automated testing is more powerful and versatile
  • It is reusable because the Automation Testing Service provide the process to record
  • Does not need human intervention and test scripts can be run unattended

Difference between Automation Testing & Manual Testing?

  1. Accuracy

Manual Testing shows lower accuracy as it involves higher possibilities of human errors.

Automation Testing has higher accuracy due to computer-based testing eliminating errors.

  1. Scalability

Manual Testing requires time when testing is performed at a large scale.

Automation Testing usually performs testing at a large scale with complete efficiency.

  1. Turnaround Time

Manual Testing needs more time to execute, and hence the turnaround time is higher.

Automation Testing completes the testing cycle at a fast rate and thus the turnaround time is lower.

  1. Cost Efficiency

Manual Testing involves higher cost as it involves the hiring of professionals to execute testing.

Automation Testing saves costs incurred as once the software is integrated, it works for a long time.

  1. User Experience

Manual Testing ensures a high-end User Experience for the users, as it involves human observation.

Automation Testing cannot guarantee a good User Experience as the machine lacks human observation.

So, these are the most common differences between Automation Testing Vs Manual Testing guiding you to select the best testing process for a software application.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Which is better automation testing or manual testing?


Manual testing is increased test coverage. Automation testing can actually deliver better results because of its ability for increased test coverage. Manual testing can only cover a certain number of device and OS permutations. But automated testing can cover many more.

  1. Can Automation Testing replace manual testing?

You need manual testing to get there. No one can deny that there are benefits of automation testing over manual testing, especially when it comes to saving time and improve test accuracy. But it’s simply not possible to have a robust QA process by relying solely on automation.

  1. Why manual testing is important than automation testing?

Manually Testing Tests from a Human Perspective. Human testers can quickly identify when something looks “off.” Automated test scripts don’t pick up these visual issues. When a tester interacts with software as a user would, they’re able to discover usability issues and user interface glitches.

Wrapping Up:

The real value of Automation &manual testing comes when the right type of testing is implemented in the right environment. Hope you have learned the difference between manual testing and automation testing as well as its implementation and advantages. If you find any other points which are important, just put them in the comments.